High priest of atheism Richard Dawkins gets his trans comeuppance

Dec 5, 2023 by

By Michael Cook, Mercator.

To tell the truth, I feel a bit sorry for Richard Dawkins. The former Oxford professor of atheism, (or was it biology?) spent most of his professional career promoting atheism. He denied a Creator, he lampooned the Pope, he invented memes, which are fairies at the bottom of the garden explaining culture, he championed rationality.

But the bubble of the New Atheism, of which he was the poster boy, along with the late Christopher Hitchens, has burst. Who is talking about the victory of rationality nowadays?

Instead, in this melancholy meditation on wokeness, “Are We Free to Say No to the Falsehoods of Trans Ideology?”, Dawkins confesses that rationality is under siege. Trans activists are distorting reality and teaching young children that genetics is not real. Everything he says is true. But does he ever ask himself why the generation that he taught at Oxford and in his best-selling books have literally taken leave of their senses and become converts to wokeness? Nope.

It’s not because they were insufficiently instructed in the whys and wherefores of a Godless universe. It’s the inevitable consequence of a living in a world without a Creator who imbued the natural order with rationality. As Chesterton said, when people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing, they believe in anything.

Read here.


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