How Gender Fluidity Wrecks Both Feminism And Transgenderism

Dec 31, 2019 by

by George Boorman, The Federalist:

First transgenderism destroyed the meaning of womanhood. Now, gender-fluidity and non-binary have destroyed the meaning of transgender.

Once-celebrated author J.K. Rowling has been mobbed online for recognizing that womanhood is determined by biological sex, not feelings, tweeting support for a British feminist who lost her job over the issue.

Vox, the “explainer” site, cannot fathom how biology comes into play when determining who is and isn’t a woman. Its article went so far as to say Rowling’s tweet in support of Maya Forstater was “transphobic,” and that Rowling “just ruined Harry Potter.” Other social media accounts label her and anyone who believes in the reality of biological sex with the derogatory term TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists).

Progressives claim to encourage you to “live your truth.” But there are some truths you just can’t live, you see. Forstater lost her job at a think tank because she pointed out that a male does not deserve to be given awards meant for females, and for numerous comments supporting the idea that biology determines one’s sexual identity, not feelings.

Forstater’s contract with her employer was not renewed because of her beliefs about the biological reality of sex, so she sued under the Equality Act, saying she was unfairly discriminated against for her feminism.

But in order for Forstater’s understanding to be protected as a “philosophical belief” under section 10 of the Equality Act 2010, it must adhere to five requirements set forth by a previous court decision. One reads: “it must be worthy of respect in a democratic society, not be incompatible with human dignity and not conflict with the fundamental rights of others.”

Forstater ran afoul of this extremely subjective requirement and lost her judgment. The requirement demonstrates that virtually the only thing one can be sure of in this brave new world is the primacy of feelings over any other consideration, including dignity and the right to think differently than some in the government would prefer.

Read here

See also: Maya Forstater: a champion of democracyby Jon Holbrook, spiked

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