How multiculturalism divides us

Dec 5, 2018 by

by Paul Embery, UnHerd:

Let’s start with the basics. Anyone who believes in freedom has a duty to defend the right of fellow citizens to live the life they choose within the parameters of the law. That means upholding their entitlement to worship whom and how they wish, dress and eat as they like, assemble with whom they choose, and so on.

These freedoms are fundamental to liberty, and a society that imposes restrictions on them will inevitably be less free. But as Britain and other Western nations experience deepening problems of societal fragmentation and atomisation, a serious assessment of the role of the State in facilitating integration and social harmony is crucial. In particular, consideration of the effects of the policy of State-sponsored multiculturalism is overdue.

Conventional wisdom has it, of course, that multiculturalism is an inherent good: progressive, inclusive, enlightened, the essence of equality. Sceptics are dismissed as reactionary nativists.

And yet a philosophy designed to break down barriers and bring people together has in fact achieved the very opposite. Modern Britain is dotted with monocultural ghettos whose inhabitants often live an utterly parallel existence to their compatriots dwelling in some cases just a few streets away.

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