Hungary’s birth rate highest in nearly three decades thanks to Viktor Orbán’s pro-family policies

Jan 5, 2022 by

by Pierre Boralevi, LifeSite:

‘We strongly believe in families, so we have done everything in the last decade to help families have children … and improve their standards of living.’

Hungary has logged its highest birth rate in 27 years at the end 2021, owing to the country’s commitment to family values.

According to the Hungarian Central Statistical office (KSH), Hungary had a birth rate of 1.59 children per woman between January to November last year, which represents a 78% increase since 2010, when the birth rate was at 1.25.

It is also the country’s highest birth rate since the year 1995, which had a birth rate of 1.57 children per woman.

However, this birth rate is still well under the 2.1 mark required for a population to replace itself. Currently, no country in Europe is even close to reaching that significant threshold but Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said he’s hoping Hungary will reach it by 2030.

The rising birth rate was seen as a sign of Hungary’s success in it its decade-long commitment to pro-family policies under Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Bence Rétvári, the Hungarian deputy state secretary of the ministry of human resources and member of the Christian Democratic Party (KDNP) called the increase in the birth rate “a potential turnaround” in the country’s struggle against population decline.

“We strongly believe in families, so we have done everything in the last decade to help families have children … and improve their standards of living,” Rétvári told Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet’s Friday.

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