Internet censorship: Here’s the temperature at which freedom burns: Fahrenheit 404

Aug 19, 2018 by

by Gary Gindler, American Thinker:

Recently, Apple, Spotify, Facebook, and YouTube (owned by Google’s parent, Alphabet) almost simultaneously tried to erase Infowars from existence (so-called deplatforming).  Libertarians and some Republican candidates for the U.S. Congress in the 2018 elections were similarly excommunicated soon after.  In a week, numerous conservatives got permanently banned from Twitter.

Are these companies entitled to be able to shut up dissenters?  Of course they are.  The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees protection from the state, but not from individuals and companies.  Freedom of speech is freedom from persecution by the state and no more.

The fact is that these internet companies created a cartel to get rid of dissenters.

Exile from the virtual space does not mean the end of the world for the victims.  Also, there was no “double standard” about dissenters from these companies.  These sites from the very beginning were created as platforms for spreading exclusively leftist ideas, but for some time, they just closed their eyes to dissenters.

However, the defeat in the elections in 2016 led the leaders of these companies to the conclusion that without the organization of an anti-conservative cartel, the elections of 2018 will be lost, too.  We should not forget that today’s actions of the leftists are their response to the conservative Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, which for several decades have dominated radio and television broadcasts.


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