“Into the darkness of error”: Martin Davie reviews recent ‘pro-change’ books.

Jul 21, 2016 by

 [Editor’s note]: Before the recent General Synod, two collections of essays by Church of England leaders were published which set out revisionist interpretations of sexual ethics: Journeys in Grace and Truth, and Amazing Love.

Theologian Martin Davie has produced substantial reviews of these books, published on the Latimer Trust site, which as usual with his work, summarises the arguments and refutes them with clarity and biblical faithfulness. While those advocating change in the Church’s teaching and practice often accuse orthodox believers of ‘not listening’ to their arguments and the experience of gay people, it is often they who have not listened, as they continually show that they have not engaged with contemporary conservative commentators. Martin Davie on the other hand has listened carefully to the authors, has taken huge trouble to evaluate their interpretation of Scripture and experience, and found it wanting on several levels.

The reviews can be found here:

Journeys into Darkness: A review of Journeys in Grace and Truth 

On not paying sufficient attention to reality: A review of Amazing Love.

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