It’s the LGBT lobby who are denying freedom of choice

Oct 26, 2020 by

by Belinda Brown, The Conservative Woman:

LGBT social engineers are preoccupied with the mechanisms by which they can change our most fundamental perceptions, namely how we understand families, relationships and procreation. One of the most ambitious of these ‘land grabs’ is their highly successful foray into schools and takeover of what we used to call sex education which now operates under the guise of relationships and sex education. It might as well be called re-gendering or gender programming.

Another area in which they have gained a foothold is the practice of psychology and counselling. Here they begin from the premise that any problems which LGBT people suffer can be explained by minority stress, homophobia or internalised stigma: the result in one way or another of their being discriminated against or victimised because of their identity. Today when an LGBT person seeks therapy, theory insists they must be ‘affirmed’ in their own particular ‘diversity’ or sub-identity, whether this be gender dysphoria, same-sex attraction or a preference for sadomasochistic practices.

This is a problem for adults seeking help, as it discounts the possibility that these tendencies may be symptomatic of other underlying issues. It takes on an even more worrying hue when it translates to young people presenting with ‘identity’ issues such as gender dysphoria. Rather than exploring the reasons for this,  or  possible therapeutic interventions for overcoming such confusion and unhappiness, they are ‘affirmed’ in their chosen identity before they are either physically or emotionally mature and fast-tracked on to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, despite the implications of lifelong medicalisation when they have reassignment surgery further down the line, without the underlying causes or reasons ever being explored.

This ‘affirmation’ approach has also impinged on people with same-sex attraction seeking therapy to help overcome what they regard as an unwanted sexual orientation; they would prefer to be heterosexual. But since the statutory and professional associations in the field of psychology and psychotherapy succumbed to the demands of LGBT activists, attempts by counsellors to address homosexuality as a problem are banned. Derogatorily referred to as ‘conversion therapy’, the LGBT lobby deliberately but unfairly hark back to and equate it with an era when homosexuality was criminalised, and when there were indeed appalling ‘treatment’ abuses such as electroconvulsive therapy.

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