Joseph Nicolosi’s books removed from online retailer

Jul 8, 2019 by

by Jules Gomes, Church Militant:

The world’s biggest bookseller has buckled under pressure from homosexual activists and banned the works of the world’s most famous Catholic clinical psychologist on reparative or conversion therapy.

Amazon pulled books written by pioneering therapist Dr. Joseph Nicolosi after British homosexual activist Rojo Alan stepped up a social media campaign calling for a ban on psychological literature on reparative therapy, which helps people seeking to change their sexual orientation.

[…]  Amazon, which sells Hitler’s Mein Kampf, six books by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, works by white supremacist David Duke and pro-Stalin works by American academic Grover Furr, who argues in his books that Stalin killed nobody, pulled Nicolosi’s works from their online shelves on July 3, because they do not meet “content guidelines.”

Church Militant spoke to Dr. Mike Davidson, Dr. David Virtue and Dr. Lisa Nolland, who knew Nicolosi well and had benefited from his labors.

“Anyone who knew Joseph Nicolosi well will attest to his unfailing compassion and skill with those wanting to leave unwanted homosexual practices,” remarked Dr. Davidson, CEO of Core Issues Trust, who directed the movie Joseph Nicolosi: A True Friend, which is available on Amazon in the United Kingdom at the time of writing.

“Nicolosi has left a framework of understanding that too many identify with to be allowed to be eliminated by Amazon. His concepts had mass appeal across language, cultural and religious divides. His work is foundational, building on Elizabeth Moberly’s foundational work before him and together with Bieber and Sacorides,” he added.

Read here

see also: Ex-gays petition Amazon to stop banning books that help with unwanted same-sex attraction, by Doug Mainwaring, LifeSite

The truth about so-called ‘conversion therapy’, by Michael Brown, LifeSite

Why it is time for British evangelical churches to stand up to defend pastoral care for unwanted same sex attraction, by Carys Moseley, Affinity

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