Justin Trudeau: champion of diversity, or unenlightened despot?

May 25, 2018 by

by Brian Lilley, MercatorNet:

To most of the outside world, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is the boyish heartthrob of the global, progressive left. He is the poster boy for what Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Jeremy Corybn stand for.

To a growing number of Canadians, and those in the rest of the world willing to look, Trudeau is being seen as an unenlightened despot.

At the core of the problem is that, for all his talk of diversity, Trudeau is a my way or the highway kind of fellow. Sure, he recently gave a commencement address to NYU that praised diversity of opinion, but did he mean it?

“Diversity includes political and cultural diversity. It includes a diversity of perspectives and approaches to solving problems,” Trudeau told the adoring crowd at New York’s Yankee Stadium.

It would be ideal to live in a country, in a world, where we practiced political and cultural diversity in the way he calls for. Yet he is practicing the exact opposite as he governs Canada.

I’ve been watching Trudeau crack down on those he disagrees with for so long I’m growing immune. He has done this by trying to change the rules in Parliament to stifle opposition; he has favoured media that are favourable to him like the state funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and more recently has stopped summer job grants to groups that don’t agree with him on abortion.

For years now the Canadian government has provided funds to organizations across the country to help give young students a summer job. Most grants didn’t pay for the job in full but it did help, especially not-for-profit groups like charities.

There was no political or religious test to get the grant, no shibboleth to determine who was worthy and who was not.

Then Trudeau took power.

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