Legalising gay marriage has caused a surge in divorce rates among lesbians, says same-sex fertility chief

Nov 23, 2020 by

by Sanchez Manning, Mail on Sunday:

The founder of Britain’s first fertility clinic for same-sex couples believes the legalisation of gay marriage has resulted in a soaring divorce rate among lesbians.

Government figures last week showed that divorces among lesbian couples last year were about three times higher than those among gay men. It came as the overall number of divorces in England and Wales saw their largest rise for nearly half a century.

Fertility clinic boss Natalie Drew’s concerns over gay marriage, which was introduced in 2014, have grown since she discovered that about a third of the 586 lesbian couples she helped to have babies between 2011 and 2015 have split up.

Ms Drew, 45, whose own same-sex marriage ended last year, believes the breakdown of many lesbian relationships today is caused by couples rushing into traditional married life that they may be unsuited for.

‘I don’t think the law should have changed from allowing gay people to have civil partnerships to actually getting married,’ she said.

‘The legalisation of gay marriage has done more damage than good. It hasn’t done lesbians any favours.’

The Office for National Statistics revealed that there were 107,599 divorces of opposite-sex couples in England and Wales last year, up by nearly a fifth from 90,871 the previous year.

But the sharpest rise involved divorces between same-sex couples, with the figures almost doubling from 428 in 2018 to 822 in 2019 – nearly three- quarters of which were lesbian relationships.

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