Lenten Meditations: Tuesday 9 March

Mar 9, 2021 by


Mar 9

am: 78:1-39

pm: 78:40-72


Jer 7:21-34


Rom 4:13-25


John 7:37-52


LENT IIII Saint Catherine of Bologna , Abbess and Artist, 1463


LITURGICAL THEME FOR THE DAY: Catherine was born in 1413 in Bologna, Italy. Her father was an important government official who worked for the Marquis, a member of the royal family. When she was eleven, Catherine was invited to live in the palace to be a companion to the Marquis’ daughter, Margaret. It was a wonderful opportunity for Catherine. She and Margaret were educated together by a private tutor. Catherine especially enjoyed the art lessons she and Margaret were given. Catherine discovered that God had blessed her with a talent for drawing.


During her years in the palace, Catherine also discovered that God was calling her to a more simple and prayerful life. Catherine returned home and joined a group of young women who performed good works in Jesus’ name and spent time in prayer together every day.


Soon, the women decided to join the Poor Clares, who  lived in silence much so that they could listen and talk to God in the quiet of their hearts without distractions. Catherine was appointed as the abbess, or superior, of the order. Catherine praised God through her art. She painted pictures of Jesus, Mary, and the saints. She created beautiful, illuminated manuscripts by painting small illustrations on the pages of prayer books and Bibles, which she also lettered and copied by hand. She also wrote books and poems about her faith.


MEDITATION OF THE DAY:  : The Psalms of the Day recounts the deeds and the power of the Lord so that the people will come to know the One who gives them life. While the God of the Old Testament gives the people commandments by which to live, he does so in the context of covenants which are outward signs of God’s unyielding love. As we look toward the

remainder of Lent and the Culmination of this journey at the Great Vigil of Easter, we know

that this faithful God in Covenant parted the sea, brought water from the rocks while they were in the desert; brought streams out of the cliffs; and let them through the hard wilderness. As we consider the power of God in the images of this Psalms, it is also an opportunity to consider all the good things God has done for us in this day and age. As God’s people, what do we need to remember? What have we forgotten of the covenant God put forward for us? As we are making this Lenten journey can we ponder how God blessing us?


PRAYER OF THE DAY:  Lord, guide us in your gentle mercy, for left to ourselves

we cannot do your will. Grant that this day we may live faithfully to your Holy Will and in any good that we do give Glory to your Father. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives, and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit

one God, for ever and ever. Amen


ANCIENT WISDOM/PRESENT GRACE : “He who works with his hands is a laborer.

He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist”. – St. Francis of Assisi



LENTEN DISCIPLINE  The earth is the handiwork of the Lord , in honor of the gift of art that comes from God and Catherine so appreciated. Spend today using some of your time appreciating art, music or literature and share with another how God can be found in those experiences.

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