Make love not babies: the culture war on conception
by Niall McCrea, TCW:
WHAT IS the real purpose of abortion providers such as the British Pregnancy Advisory Service? Given the vast amounts of state funding that come their way, is their primary function to provide safe terminations instead of the notorious back-street abortions of the past? Is it more about keeping women in the workplace rather than on maternity leave? Or is there a broader social mission, purportedly to reduce the burden of unwanted children, but really to reduce the population?
The history of abortion is entwined with eugenics which today, under cover of the climate movement, has been given a new lease of life. In 1916 the birth control clinic Planned Parenthood was founded in New York by Margaret Sanger. In her book Pivot of Civilization Sanger warned of ‘weeds overrunning the human garden’; she urged segregation of ‘morons, misfits and the maladjusted’ and ‘elimination of inferior races’. But by the 1960s this rhetoric was forgotten and abortion became one of the fundamental causes for feminism, with the slogan ‘my body, my choice’ a rallying cry. Appointed as minister for the Home Office in the new Labour government is Dame Diana Johnson, an extremist who wants abortion to be legalised at any time to birth. Catholic Herald
Liberalising abortion, though, is not the only concern of abortionists. In 2011 a document produced by Planned Parenthood was exposed by former employee Abby Johnson. The LGBT agenda has always been about population control, leaked 1969 memo reveals – Compiled by vice-president Frank Jaffe in 1969, the report features a table titled ‘proposed measures to reduce fertility, by universality or selectivity of impact in the US’. The recommended methods include the following (quoted verbatim):
- Abortion and sterilisation on demand
- Payments to encourage abortion
- Encourage women to work
- Reduce maternity and family allowances
- Fertility control agents in water supply
- Discouragement of private home ownership
- Stop awarding public housing based on family size
- Encourage increased homosexuality