Marriage and family matters now more than ever

Sep 24, 2020 by

by James Dobson, Christian Post:

We live during an age in which the institution of marriage is under constant attack by forces that want to destroy it. As a result, this timeless relationship is increasingly viewed by many as an unnecessary hindrance to our self-absorbed lives. Temporal “partnerships” are dissolved through “conscious uncoupling,” and children are little more than assets to be divided or assigned, not precious souls to be loved, guided, and protected.

In short, the biblical foundation of marriage and family is seen as a relic by liberal politicians and our popular culture. And yet, the very future of this nation rests on the strength of our marriages and families. If our country is to survive and pull itself out of the current mire, we must learn and draw our strength from the cornerstone on which it was built — the family.

Our nation was formed less than 250 years ago, making it little more than an infant in comparison to the original building block of society. The family has endured for millennia, dating back to the Garden of Eden when, at least 5,000 years ago, our Creator gave it meaning and definition. Sadly, this building block of all societies is under a relentless and vicious attack by leftist groups of all kinds, and they have one mission in mind — to discredit and obliterate it.

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