Matrix, Motherhood, Metaverse: Secular ‘Resurrection’ in Recent Films

Jan 18, 2022 by

by Brett McCracken, TGC:

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is history’s most monumental event. No wonder it’s a motif storytellers can’t shake—2,000 years later. In our secular age, “resurrection” remains a compelling and oft-explored concept, even if it’s been recast in expressive individualist (“new you!”) terms.

In a post-Christian culture saturated with the cross-pressured residue of religion, it’s fascinating to observe how contemporary movies, for example, riff on resurrection as essentially a metaphor for a fresh start—escaping painful things, breaking free from perceived limitations, and discovering the fully realized self. Shorn of the specificity (and bloody details) of the Christian gospel, “resurrection” becomes a vague proxy for whatever it is someone wants to overcome or become.

Consider how three recent films display visions of “resurrection” in a secular age, but also the emptiness of seeking new life on our own terms. Spoilers follow.

Read here


See also: Don’t Look Up: prophetic or pathetic? By David Robertson, Christian Today


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