Midwifery muddle reveals extent of Stonewall’s grip on education

Jun 20, 2022 by

from The Christian Institute:

Stonewall has long had the ear of those in education. Over time this has enabled it to spread highly questionable information disguised as ‘equality’ advice, particularly on the issue of transgenderism.

The LGBT lobby group is campaigning hard for people to blindly accept its gender ideology; to force people to affirm someone’s self-declared sex, rather than their biological sex. You would think that educators would seek to impart the most accurate knowledge possible – that humans are male or female based on biology, and that this cannot be changed.

Instead they appear to be swallowing everything Stonewall and its allies are serving up.

‘Men can give birth’

A recent case in point revealed that midwifery students at Napier University in Edinburgh were being taught that biological males can give birth. This is a place of education for future medics. They should surely be firm in asserting that it is of vital importance that people are treated according to their biology, not their personal preference.

The erroneous information was contained in a module guide on catheterisation which told students that they “need to be familiar” with procedures for “both female and male anatomy”.

Some students, obviously uncomfortable with this teaching, and recognising it to be completely inaccurate, did not feel they were able to raise this with their educators for fear of reprisal. One student said: “We have to write an essay for this course. I have only referred to women and pregnant women and I have this nagging worry that I’m going to lose points.”

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