Most Britons say their country is Christian, but participation is low: survey

Jan 6, 2021 by

by Peter Kenny, Evangelical News:

Despite a national decline in religious observance, slightly over half of Brits continue to see the United Kingdom as a Christian country, but religiousness is low, a new study has found and it is very low in the 16-24 age group.

YouGov, a UK international internet-based market research and data analytics firm, found that while most British people celebrate Easter and Christmas, the majority do so in a secular way.

“Religiousness is also low – with over half of Britons (55%) saying they are not a member of any religion. Even amongst those who are religious, just over half say they believe there is a god,” found You.

Just over half (56 percent) of Britons say the UK is a Christian country.

“This view is held by seven in ten (69 percent) British Christians. The 16-24-year-old generation is split — 41 percent say Britain is a Christian country, whilst 39 percent say it isn’t,” the poll found.

“Our study has found that whilst the majority of Britons celebrate both Christmas and Easter, most do it in a secular way,” says YouGov.

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