Motherhood has been saved for the nation

Feb 27, 2021 by

by Colin Hart, Coalition for Marriage:

This week a tiny seven-clause piece of legislation threatened to airbrush motherhood from the statute books. A Bill extending maternity benefits to “pregnant persons” instead of “mothers” had been tabled by the Government. Woke drafters specially chose this wording so as to avoid causing offence.

And so a truly shocking precedent was set to be created. If the Bill had become law, it wouldn’t have been long before ‘mother’ was expunged from other legislation too.

But on Thursday night Lord Lucas tabled an amendment to replace “person” with “mother”. The Government has now backed the amendment and accepted that pregnant persons are in fact mothers. Without exception.

The Supreme Court already agrees. Last year it decided in the McConnell case that only mothers can give birth.

All of this is rather obvious you might think. But it’s amazing that Parliament and the courts are spending so much time considering whether being a woman or a mum are social constructs.

The redefinition of marriage started the trend.

Instead of being a union of the sexes, any two adults could marry. A whole sex was eliminated. The words “husband” and “wife” were also redefined. Just as we predicted, it didn’t stop there.

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