MP defends Christian prayers in Parliament against ‘modernisers’

Jan 11, 2025 by

from The Christian Institute:

Parliamentary prayers should not be abandoned to appease ‘modernisers’, a long-standing MP has warned.

Sir John Hayes said it was important to begin each sitting of the House of Commons with prayer to afford MPs time for quiet reflection, and in recognition of the UK’s Christian heritage.

The practice is thought to have been first introduced in 1558. Prayers follow the Christian faith and attendance is voluntary.


Sir John contended: “Whether you believe in the divine or not, it’s important to recognise our country is rooted in the Christian traditions. Prayers are a reminder of that.”

But he warned that some among the new intake of MPs “either because of ignorance or hostility, don’t understand the point about the need for a period of contemplative time or the Christian tradition on which our country’s system of ethics and laws are founded”.

He added: “There’s a certain sort of arrogance associated with people who arrive somewhere and want to change everything before they really understand it.”

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