MPs debate self-identification for the first time
from Christian Concern:
David Davies began a debate in parliament about gender self-identification – the first time parliament has debated this. Mr Davies mentioned Christian Legal Centre client, Joshua Sutcliffe, a maths teacher disciplined for ‘misgendering’ a pupil, as an example of how organisations are operating ahead of the law. Tim Dieppe, Christian Concern’s Head of Public Policy, highlights the key points and argues the laws of nature will always trump the laws of parliament when it comes to gender identity.
David T.C. Davies MP initiated a Westminster Hall debate on self-identification of gender on Wednesday. Westminster Hall debates are opportunities for MPs to raise and discuss issues and receive a response from a government minister. There are no votes and motions are expressed in neutral terms about considering a specific matter.
On Wednesday, David Davies moved:
“That this House has considered proposals to allow self-identification of gender.”
David Davies is to be applauded for initiating a debate on this important subject. Remarkably, this is the first time that this important topic has been properly debated in the House of Commons. Mr Davies gave a superb introductory speech raising many important points, in spite of being interrupted several times.
The law as it stands
David Davies explained that the law as it stands requires someone who wants to change their legal gender to show that they have lived in their acquired gender for two years and that they have been diagnosed with some form of gender dysphoria. They have to commit to living in their new gender for the rest of their life. But then:
“One thing that they do not have to do is undergo any form of medical treatment or surgery. They do not even have to be taking any hormone pills. The vast majority of people who change gender maintain the body in which they are born. As far as I can find from the statistics, only one in five people who have changed gender have had any form of surgery. This is the cause of concern for many people.”
Self-definition of gender already happening