My Life as a Christian Under a Communist Regime

Jul 8, 2021 by

Reflections on the 100th Birthday of the Chinese Communist Party.

I started to read the Bible because I was suspicious of everything I’d learned in my Chinese school: Maoism, socialism, Marxism, and their deeper roots. My suspicion began in 1997, my second year in college. I happened to visit an online memorial marking June 4, the terrible day in 1989 when protesters in Tiananmen Square were crushed.

The memorial’s articles and photos overturned my knowledge about what happened in Tiananmen Square. In the end, my suspicion and doubt led me to the roots of communist ideology: atheism and the theory of evolution.

Realizing communism fell because of its false assumption about human nature, I turned to Christianity and embraced what the gospel assumed: the sinful nature of all humans and the need for redemption through Christ’s atonement.

I’m not alone.

I’ve heard many similar stories among other Christians here in China who are my age. A “Reform and Opening Up” era started by “Chief Architect” Deng Xiaoping (1904–1997) not only connected China to the world, but also gave us a chance to wonder: Why is our country so different from others? This legitimate question ultimately led many of us to Christ.


As Christians living under a communist regime—the Chinese Communist Party was founded 100 years ago today—there is a sense in which we are blessed. As Proverbs 30:8–9 says, “Give me neither poverty nor riches . . . lest I be full and deny you and say, ‘Who is the LORD?’ or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God.”

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