New York Episcopal Bishop fails inclusion test over Samaritan’s Purse

May 16, 2020 by

by David W Virtue, Virtueonline:

Bishop Dietsche kicks Evangelical Ministry out of cathedral as COVID-19 Sweeps New York City Evangelical episcopal bishops silent in face of hatred aimed at evangelist Franklin Graham.

The Episcopal Bishop of New York, The Rt. Rev. Bishop Andrew M.L. Dietsche, should reread the parable of the Good Samaritan again. He would clearly discover what a total hypocrite he is.

You will recall it was the priest and Levite who turned their backs on a traveler who had been beaten, stripped of his clothing and left to die. The Good Samaritan rescues him.

Bishop Dietsche is now the priest and Jew who kicked a field hospital under the auspices of the Samaritan’s Purse, an Evangelical ministry, out of his cathedral because it did not conform to the Episcopal Church’s new fangled “gospel” of sodomy and homosexual marriage.

Dietsche said that the attitude of Samaritan’s Purse (about homosexuality) was a key reason the plan to set up a field hospital inside the Cathedral of St. John the Divine was shelved last month, because as the New York Times put it, “The Bishop said that Mr. Graham espouses ‘an exclusionary view and a very narrow view of what constitutes being a Christian.'”

“Critics have included members of the Episcopal clergy whose objections to the group’s position on gay issues and non-Christian faiths helped scrap a proposed field hospital inside the cathedral of St. John the Divine.”

Mr. Graham does not embrace homosexuality because it violates Scripture. He believes in marriage between a man and a woman. How vulgar and exclusionary of him when you think that most of the world still embraces heterosexual marriage. Samaritan’s Purse requires that employees and volunteers sign a statement of faith affirming their belief in Jesus Christ and their view that ‘marriage is exclusively the union of one genetic male and one genetic female.’

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