Next-generation Bishops to Gather in March
Press Release, GAFCON.
Greetings from Kigali, Rwanda!
It is with great joy that I share with you news about an important gathering of Gafcon leaders this March, to be held in the United States in Plano, Texas.
The G25 Mini Conference has a special focus upon the next generation of global bishops, with a selection of those consecrated in the past five years receiving a special invitation.
This event comes at a very important time in the life of our movement, as we gather for the first time since the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury to prayerfully consider how Gafcon will continue to lead the renewal of the Anglican Communion.
For this reason, we will be convening an extended Primates Council meeting, where our agenda will focus on how to strengthen our fellowship with authentic Anglicans, both those who are contesting the faith in liberal dioceses, as well as those who have found refuge in dioceses established and authenticated by Gafcon.
Even though we are now accustomed to meeting through Zoom calls, we know that there is no substitute to being in-person for these vital gatherings, and so for this reason we have stepped out in faith by providing thirty travel scholarships to bishops who would otherwise struggle to to afford the cost of international travel.
We have promised scholarships to bishops from Alexandria, Brazil, Chile, DR Congo, Europe (ANiE), Kenya, Indian Ocean, Mozambique and Angola, Myanmar, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa (REACH-SA), South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda.
Each of these scholarships costs $3,000 USD, which means we need to raise $90,000 USD to cover the costs of the travel and accommodation of these thirty bishops.
This is the necessary cost of bringing people together for prayer and fellowship, which is vital at this time in the Anglican Communion.
Gafcon is a grass-roots movement without access to the extensive cash reserves of the liberal church, and so it is only by humbly calling upon our supporters and friends that we can meet the costs of travel for which we have committed, by faith.
And so for this reason, I ask you to prayerfully consider giving a special gift towards this G25 Bishops Scholarship Appeal, so that we might reach the target of $90,000 USD for the vital cost of airline travel, accommodation and visas.
Can you please make a special donation to our G25 Bishops Scholarship Appeal?
Please click on this special link to give to this urgent appeal.
As dear partners of the gospel, I urge you to commit this special event to the Lord in prayer, as we gather to spur one another on towards love and good deeds, as we focus on our commitment to strategic ministry as we proclaim Christ faithfully to the nations.
The Lord be with you!
The Most Rev. Dr. Laurent Mbanda
Chair, Gafcon Primates Council
Primate & Archbishop of Rwanda
PS: Thank you for your prayers and generosity at such a time as this!