Ofsted: ‘Equality Act politicised teaching on sex-ed’

Jul 10, 2021 by

from The Christian Institute:

Ofsted has said that schools may have used inappropriate materials when teaching on relationships and gender identity, due to confusion over equalities legislation.Commenting on in-house research, Chris Jones, the education watchdog’s Director for Corporate Strategy, admitted school staff could have sometimes failed to show “political neutrality” when teaching on “contentious issues”.

It represents a change in tone from Ofsted, which has previously spoken out in favour of schools adopting “muscular liberalism” and endorsed the use of pro-trans material.


Jones said the Equality Act had been “contentious from the outset” and that “political sensitivities” in relation to gender and sexual identity had made it difficult for schools to “handle equalities well”.

He continued: “For example, school staff can occasionally confuse the legal, the moral and the political, and so (often inadvertently) bring overtly political materials into their curriculum and teaching without acknowledging it as such”.

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