Ofsted & the New Hypocrisy

Jul 30, 2018 by

from Parent Power:


The next day in Parliament, Damian Hinds the Secretary of State for Education, launching a Consultation on guidance on new statutory rules on Relationship & Sex Education, said:

For Relationships Education and RSE, the aim is to put in place the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships of all kinds, starting with the family and friends, and moving out to other kinds of relationships, including online…they need to know the laws relating to relationships and sex that govern society to ensure they act appropriately and can be safe. This includes LGBT, which is a strong feature of the new subjects at age appropriate points.

So although schools cannot cure obesity, they are of course the vehicle for such minor educational issues as “family & friends”, all things online, all their relationships and of course how to be safe.

Teachers and school leaders are already stretched but no doubt the resources will be dedicated to this from the generous purse strings of the Treasury. Nothing much can be done about your child’s weight, but the whole of their family, friendship and sexual relations will be thoroughly covered at school…..

The new guidance makes it clear- and Damian Hinds letter to MPs make it even clearer – “respect for all types of relationships will be taught, including through (sic) content on LGBT”

Why this particular focus on one type of relationship which actually concerns about 2% of the population?

In 2016, just over 1 million (2.0%) of the UK population aged 16 and over identified themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) (Office of National Statistics 2016 survey)

Why is this tiny minority specifically identified as “a strong feature of the new subjects”.

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