Parents need to wake up to the danger of trans ideology, says child psychiatrist

Aug 7, 2023 by

By Miriam Grossman, Mercatornet.

This is an excerpt from the introduction to Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness, the latest book by American psychiatrist Miriam Grossman.


When I graduated from medical school, I took an oath. I stood up, raised my right hand, and vowed to prevent disease whenever I could. At the time, I expected to go to war against cancer and schizophrenia. But after forty years, I’ve realized my most challenging fight is not against dangerous diseases, but dangerous ideas.

The beliefs that man and woman are human inventions, that the sex of a healthy newborn is arbitrarily and often incorrectly “assigned,” and that as a result the child requires “affirmation” through risky medical interventions—these ideas are divorced from reality and therefore hazardous, especially to children. They are, in fact, a mockery of twenty-first-century science and cause immeasurable harm to young people and their families. I know, because I’m a psychiatrist and they’re my patients.

I don’t have the words to describe the sorrow of parents I know whose young daughter was removed by a government agency, placed in foster care, and started on testosterone. Their crime? Insisting she’s a girl. Or the anguish of a young man I see, who sought castration to become his “authentic self” and now, after the fact, regrets it. Or the rage of a twenty-something woman going through menopause due to “gender-affirming” removal of her reproductive organs.

Are these atrocities really happening in our country? They sure are, and you must protect your loved ones from joining the multitude of victims.

I discovered how children were being indoctrinated with gender ideology while writing my 2009 book You’re Teaching My Child WHAT? I wanted parents to know that the powerful sex ed industry has agendas that undermine the health and safety of children. Widely used curricula and teen-friendly websites promoted sexual freedom, not sexual health, placing students’ well-being at risk.

Read here.

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