Petition begun to unseat DUP’s Nelson McCausland over ‘gay conversion therapy’ post

Jan 27, 2021 by

by Philip Bradfield, Belfast News Letter:

Nelson McCausland triggered the storm on Monday when he tweeted “the fascinating story of Becket Cook”.

Mr McCausland introduced the interview stating: “A powerful testimony of a life changed by God and some important insights into the whole ‘gay movement’ from someone who has been there.”

Mr Cook was a gay man in Hollywood who had achieved great success as a set designer in the fashion industry.

He described his conversion to faith, after attending a church service, as “shocking and unexpected to me, a Road to Damascus moment”.

He no longer identifies as gay but says he still “struggles” with “same-sex attraction”.

The post provoked a storm of protest, with a petition now formed on called “Nelson McCausland Resign from NI Education Authority” for advocating for “so-called gay conversion therapy”.

Upper Bann Alliance councillor Eóin Tennyson said the DUP politician “should be ashamed of himself”.

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