Petition: Stop prioritising LGBT rights over Christian rights to belief and free speech

Jul 8, 2018 by

from Voice for Justice UK:

On Monday July 3, the Government proudly announced a 75 point plan to improve the lives of gay people, eliminating discrimination and advancing ‘equality’. Citing a recent survey of gay people in the UK, the BBC stated, “LGBT hate incidents had been experienced by 40% of people in the survey, with more than nine in 10 of the most serious offences going unreported.” (

Seemingly, however, such even-handed treatment does not extend to Christians, who routinely in the UK today are being subjected to intolerance, harassment, and abuse – despite the fact that freedom of belief is enshrined in Art 9 of the Human Rights Act 1998, and is listed equally as a protected characteristic, alongside such characteristics as age, disability, sex and race, under the Equality Act 2010.

An example of intimidation and intolerance towards Christians is the recent vicious attack on Councillor Richard Smith, pastor of Immanuel Christian Fellowship, decorated military veteran, and mayor of Ferryhill, Co Durham. Mr Smith was elected mayor of Ferryhill in May this year, and was immediately subjected to attack by LGBTQ activist and female impersonator Mark Boyes. Using his stage name Tess Tickle, Mr Boyes shared social media posts he had found on Mr Smith’s personal Facebook page, which he alleged were evidence of Mr Smith’s intolerance, bigotry and hatred towards homosexuals. On this basis he said Mr Smith was unfit to hold public office and called for his immediate removal.

Read and sign petition here

NB  Since this petition was launched Mr Smith has, sadly, resigned.

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