Pope Vetoes Women Clergy, Affirms Christ as ‘Sole Redeemer’

Feb 13, 2020 by

by Jules Gomes, Church Militant:

In a historic declaration — delighting traditionalists and infuriating progressives — Pope Francis emphatically rejected the ordination of women and married men, the advocacy of religious pluralism and support for a compromised ecumenism in his apostolic exhortation on the Amazon Synod.

Titled Querida Amazonía, the exhortation seemed to signal a paradigm shift in the pontificate of Francis, as it resoundingly affirmed the evangelization of the Amazonian peoples in the words of the apostle Paul to the Corinthians: “We are not ashamed of Jesus Christ” and “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!”

The much-anticipated final document, released to the media on Wednesday afternoon, provoked questions as to the magisterial authority of the exhortation and whether the papal declaration had closed the door to controversial proposals like the ordination of married men.

The four sections titled “dreams” and sprinkled with verses of poetry, renewed the Holy Father’s plea for the care and preservation of the Amazonian forests and its indigenous peoples but refrained from using the jargon of “ecological conversion” — a term which had previously drawn fire from faithful Catholics.

Instead, the pontiff appealed for “a sound and sustainable ecology,” simultaneously calling for the “need to feel outrage” as Moses and Jesus did and as “God does in the face of injustice” and evil.

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