Rise of the new fundamentalism – in deepest Oxford

Jul 2, 2018 by

by Jane Kelly, The Conservative Woman:

Astonishingly Margaret Atwood, that great saint of feminism, is facing a social media backlash after calling for due process (i.e. normal justice) for a former university professor accused of sexual misconduct. In the wake of this she recently asked where a society can go if its legal system is bypassed. What will take its place, who will the new power brokers be? ‘In times of extremes, extremists win,’ she said. ‘Their ideology becomes a religion, anyone who doesn’t puppet their views is seen as an apostate, a heretic or a traitor, and moderates in the middle are annihilated.’

The two most extreme ideologies of the present day are radical Islam and feminism, now at its loudest in the #MeToo movement. Both are based on moralism rather than morality and see women as defenceless victims needing to be covered up and constantly chaperoned.

Islam and other victim groups now jostle to fill the gap left as our legal system and politicians are increasingly despised and seen as irrelevant. Islam, which represses women and outlaws homosexuality, seems somehow to be cohering into the misshapen lump which is rapidly forming a new culture on the Left, and demanding increasing space.

An Oxford student told me that as a ‘fresher’ he’d had to go through ‘race and diversity training’ imposed by the students’ union. At a recent Oxford Union (a separate entity) open day I met the vice president of ‘Welfare & Equal Opportunities,’ who just happens to be Muslim.

Law student Farheen Ahmed told me the training scheme was now part of staff training and that Oxford ‘wants to do more and more of that kind of thing’. She thought I wouldn’t be allowed to attend any of the sessions as new students ‘sometimes blurt out very bad things’, and need to be in a safe space until they are brought to ‘understand things in a different way’.

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