Scots Govt backtracks on shocking schools trans guidance

Jul 10, 2018 by

from The Christian Institute:

We recently threatened the Scottish Government with legal action over its decision to fund and endorse shocking transgender guidance for schools.

We are greatly encouraged that the Scottish Government has now denied it ever ‘formally endorsed’ the error-strewn guidance. It claims the use of its logo was a mistake.

The guidance effectively tells schools that trans rights are more important than the rights of other children and parents. For example, parents would not be told if their daughter is required to share her room overnight with a boy who self-identifies as a girl. It also tries to compel teachers and pupils to use pronouns they may regard as false. No attempt is made to consider those with a conscientious objection.

The Scottish Government has a track record of trying to take away the rights of parents and young people. We saw this during our successful legal challenge against its discredited Named Person scheme.

By ignoring the existing law, this guidance is likely to mislead schools, parents and pupils into believing that transgender rights trump the rights of everyone else. They don’t.

We will now challenge local authorities if they continue to endorse this guidance. It is so important that as Christians we exercise our freedom to hold the authorities to account on matters of biblical truth.

Yours in Christ,
Colin Hart
Colin Hart
The Christian Institute

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