Should the State Teach Sex Education & “Gender Identity” or Are These Issues For Parents Alone?

Oct 11, 2020 by

from The New Culture Forum Channel:
Overshadowed by Covid-19 and BLM, another issue has been causing great concern in many quarters for some time: sex education.
As of Sept 2020, sex education is now compulsory in our state schools [while parents can withdraw their children, in practice this is meaningless as most parents are unaware they have such a right and, indeed, unaware of what is being taught].
From trans rights to Muslim parents picketing a school in Birmingham, sex ed is dividing opinion and causing great controversy. But why?
That is the subject of this week’s episode of #NCFCounterCulture.
The panel: * Belinda Brown, Campaigner and Journalist *
Susan Mason, Founder of the School Gate campaign *
Caroline Ffiske, former Conservative Councillor & Journalist *
The Rev’d Linda Rose, CEO of Voice for Justice UK *
Benjamin Loughnane, Theologian and Communications Consultant
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