Sir Humphrey sneers at the CofE to appoint Chaplain General of Prisons

Aug 9, 2018 by

by Archbishop Cranmer:

There is a vacancy for the post of Chaplain General of Prisons (or, to give it its full title: Head of Chaplaincy and Faith Services at Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service). You probably didn’t know there was such a position, but there most definitely is, and for the past four years it has been performed admirably by the Very Rev’d Michael Kavanagh.

‘Admirably’ would be Sir Humphrey’s preferred adverb (since Sir Humphrey appointed him): others might say ‘meek and mediocre’; more of a Chaplain Corporal than a Chaplain General. The fact that no-one has heard from him or knows much about him (or has any idea the role even exists) is largely down to his capacity for inconspicuousness and proclivity for latency, and such a disposition suits Sir Humphrey down to the ground. The less these God-botherers do, the easier it is for secularised bureaucracy to spread its tentacles. But that’s by the by. The point is that the Rev’d Michael Kavanagh is stepping down, so there’s a vacancy for the post of Chaplain General.

The Rev’d Paul Cowley MBE is the Bishops’ Advisor for Prisons and Penal Affairs in the Diocese of London. He is also Global Ambassador for Social Transformation at HTB/Alpha International, so he knows quite a bit about prison ministry and its capacity to transform hearts and minds for the good of society (and, of course, souls for salvation). Hearing of Michael Kavanagh’s decision to step down, and at the recommendation of friends and colleagues in the prisons world, the political world and the ecclesial world, Mr Cowley decided to apply for the post of Chaplain General, believing he had quite a lot to offer.

Computer said no.

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