Speak up for the Nation’s young!

Sep 23, 2018 by

from Voice for Justice UK:

4000% rise in girls seeking gender reassignment since 2009. Minister orders inquiry .  To give precise figures, as reported in the Daily Mail, the number of children referred for gender ‘treatment’ between 2009 and 2018 has risen from 97 to 2,519.  And it should be remembered that we are only three quarters of the way through 2018, so that the final figure for this period will be even higher!

With the greatest respect to the powers that be in Government, this is exactly what VfJUK has warned against, ever since the drive started to normalise so-called gender choice from nursery onwards.  Gender is not choice.  It is biology.  The result of imposing such teaching on vulnerable minds has always been entirely predictable.  It is a form of covert indoctrination, and the phenomenal rise in referrals serves merely to demonstrate the insanity of promoting ideological policies seeking to normalise aberrant behaviours, classified up to now as mental illness.

Such teaching has nothing to do with concern for child welfare and safety, but is rather part of a broader campaign to normalise and give legitimacy to adult behaviours, which until recently were regarded by the greater part of the population as deviant. It is the worst form of child abuse and exploitation, because children by definition lack the emotional and intellectual maturity to process such information.

The alarming and unprecedented rise in referrals for gender reassignment shows why current RSE proposals to further embed this teaching must be resisted.

Relationships and Sex Education: The Way Forward
Supported by VfJUK, the Lords and Commons Family Child Protection Group (LCFCPG), under the chairmanship of Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP, has recently produced a Report analysing the damaging effects on children of sex and relationships policy over the last couple of decades, and suggesting a different approach that prioritises child welfare and safety over cultural engineering.

When Parliament reconvenes, on October 9th, all MPs and Peers will receive a copy of this Report.  Copies are also currently being sent to Anglican and Catholic bishops.

Action points:

1.    Read the Government’s consultation here:

For guidance on how to respond, please Read the LCFCPG Report here:  www.vfjuk.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/RSE-report-2018-webv2.0.pdf

(A digital copy of the Report can be downloaded for free from our website. Paper copies may be purchased for £8.99 plus £3 postage and packing, here: http://www.vfjuk.org.uk/vfjuk-supports-rse-report-challenging-government/)

2.    As a matter of urgency, please contact your MP and any Peers you may know, urging them to read the Report carefully when they receive it, giving them your views, and asking for their feedback.  Please send any response you receive to VfJUK. 

3.    Whatever your denomination, please contact the diocesan bishops for your area – both Anglican and Catholic – with the same request.  

4.    Please respond to the Government consultation, which closes on 7th November, explaining why you think the current proposals are ill-advised.

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