The beastly logic of ‘Queer Planet’

May 31, 2024 by

By Kurt Mahlburg, Mercator.

Get out your rainbow flags. Gay Pride Month is almost here.

Peacock TV, a streaming service owned by NBC, is already celebrating, with trailers of its upcoming documentary “Queer Planet” going viral online.

Set to stream in early June, the film promises “gay penguins, bisexual lions, sex-changing clown fish,” and oodles of other titillating content aimed at normalising sexual deviancy.

“Queerness has always existed,” claims one expert in the promotional video.

“It’s only in humans that we have such a stigma about it,” says another.

Mother Nature is pretty open-minded,” smirks a third.

This idea is hardly new. As far back as 2006, Mercator reported on similar antics at Norways National History Museum:

This hitherto obscure institution has been featured around the world because of its unique photographic exhibit, called “Against Nature?” The world’s first museum exhibition dedicated to gay animals, it “proves” that that homosexual behaviour is not a “crime against nature”. Homosexuality, it claims, “has been observed in most vertebrate groups, and also from insects, spiders, crustaceans, octopi and parasitic worms. The phenomenon has been reported from more than 1500 animal species, and is well documented for 500 of them, but the real extent is probably much higher.”

Apparently Mother Nature is very open minded. But is that a good thing?

There is more truth to claims about nature’s amorality than either Norways National History Museum or the producers of “Queer Planet” would be comfortable to admit.

So let’s go there.

Anglerfish are masters of deception. The female anglerfish uses a bioluminescent lure to attract prey which she then consumes.

Eagles have no moral compunction about murder. Older chicks sometimes kill their younger siblings to reduce competition for food.

Read here.


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