The conspiracy of insanity

Jul 13, 2019 by

from Voice for Justice UK:

In November 2016, counsellor and therapist James Caspian applied to Bath Spa University to begin research into the numbers of transgendered people who subsequently regretted and sought to reverse the surgery they had undergone as part of their gender transitioning treatment.  He had been working as a therapist with transgendered people for over a decade, and was growing increasingly concerned at the numbers who wanted to reverse their surgery.  He wanted to know why, as he felt such knowledge was vital to the well-being of the transgender community.

Initially the University gave permission for the research – which no one else had undertaken and for which there was, and is, a clear need.  Later, however, it reversed its decision – on the basis that the research might attract unpleasant comments on social media, which it claimed might be detrimental to the reputation of the university.   At the same time, it refused to refund the £30,000 in fees Mr Caspian had paid to secure his place.

As a result, Mr Caspian is challenging Bath Spa’s decision in the courts.  His initial application for judicial review was refused on procedural grounds, but the judge – commendably – was sympathetic to his case, and now Mr Caspian is trying urgently to raise the funds for an appeal – possibly as far as the European Court of Human Rights.  If you would like to contribute, please go to his crowd funding page:  In our increasingly totalitarian society, where freedom of speech and thought are becoming rapidly diminishing memories, it will be money well spent!

But the point, surely, is that this case should never have arisen in the first place.  Mr Caspian’s aims were and are wholly admirable, so why was he not allowed to ask questions?  After all, we need to know the answers – especially in light of controversies at the Tavistock Clinic, where five Consultants recently resigned because of complaints they were being pressured into improperly recommending children for treatment without adequate assessment (;    Add to that the increasing numbers of children choosing to detransition, and you’d think this research would be welcomed – if not demanded – as a matter of urgency!

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