The Episcopal Church’s Fruits of Heresy

Jan 5, 2020 by

by Andrew Harrod, American Thinker:

“This church has about 30 more years before it is dead,” stated one young man at a 2016 forum at the Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS) in Alexandria, Virginia, as quoted in the recent book The Seduction of the Episcopal Church.  Therein Anglican author David Virtue, a longtime critical observer of worldwide Anglicanism, reviews the Episcopal Church’s decades-long fall from grace in an exposé of Christian folly in accommodating a secularized, sexualized modernity.

Virtue tells the depressing, detailed “story of a once proud Christian denomination that stood as a landmark church in a nation that has seen presidents, senators and business leaders pass through its hallowed red doors.”  “Spiritual and ecclesiastical death marks the present and future state of this denomination” today as Episcopal Church membership has cratered from a 1966 peak of 3,647,297, to 1,676,349 in 2018.  Particularly the 2003 consecration of noncelibate homosexual V. Gene Robinson as an Episcopal bishop unleashed an “ecclesiastical tsunami wave” and the “worst single outflow of Episcopalians in modern history,” over 100,000.

In an Episcopal Church “intoxicated with the spirit of the age,” 31 percent of Episcopalians according to the latest statistics are 65 or older while 79 percent do not have a child under 18.  Procreation seems a secondary concern for Episcopalians, 79 and 74 percent of whom, respectively, think abortion should be legal in all or most cases and favor same-sex “marriage.”  Rather than walking any orthodox straight and narrow, 47 percent of Episcopalians say the Bible is not God’s Word and 51 percent of Episcopalians seldom or never read Scripture.

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