The freedom to change your sexuality

Nov 9, 2020 by

by Belinda Brown, MercatorNet:

Why shouldn’t people who want to explore and alter their sexual attractions, be able to access therapy to make this personal choice?

LGBT social engineers are preoccupied with methods of changing how we understand families, procreation and relationships. One of their most ambitious land grabs has been their highly successful foray into schools, which I have previously discussed.

They have also over the past few years gained a foothold in psychology and this is what I would like to discuss here.

The LGBT lobby argue that any problems which LGBT people suffer from can be attributed to minority stress, homophobia or internalised stigma. Therefore, if an LGBT person seeks therapy, they must be “affirmed” in their own particular diversity, whether this is their gender dysphoria, their same-sex attraction or their preference for sadomasochistic practices.

We see this affirmation when young people present with gender dysphoria. Rather than exploring the possibility of overcoming it, they are fast-tracked onto puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, despite the implications of lifelong medicalisation when  they have reassignment surgery further down the line.

This affirmation approach involves banning so called “conversion therapy“, a term which harkens back to an era when homosexuality was criminalised and there were appalling abuses such as electroconvulsive therapy.

It is a term is used to discredit, delegitimise and ultimately criminalise talking therapies for those who wish to explore the possibilities of leaving their same-sex attraction. The term is misleading in various ways.

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