The heart of Sydney’s new Archbishop Kanishka Raffel

May 27, 2021 by

Sydney’s Archbishop elect Kanishka Raffel on evangelism, growth, greenfields & the future of the national Anglican Church.

From The Pastor’s Heart.

Dominic Steele speaks with Sydney Anglican Archbishop elect Kanishka Raffel on his second day in the job, before he is formally installed on Friday 28th May.

Kanishka reflects on the unifying power of the gospel and the challenges facing the Anglican Church. He shares his hopes for reaching the city, building Churches across new suburbs in Sydney, his thoughts on the future of the national Anglican church and the Sydney Anglican Diocese’s future involvement in the international Gafcon movement.

Kanishka also emphasises the power of the local Church in being counter cultural and showing the practical difference Jesus’ love makes.

Read and listen to podcast here

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