The Jews’ lesson for the West

Jun 9, 2023 by

by Melanie Phillips, JNS:

Conservatism and the nation need each other to survive.

What has the Holocaust got to do with the culture wars that are currently tearing the West apart?

Much more than many might think. Here’s an illustration.

Significant reverberations continue from last month’s National Conservatism conference in London.

The conference was the brainchild of Israeli-American philosopher and political theorist Yoram Hazony. He believes that the onslaught on the West and its cultural heritage, with various iterations of race and gender identity politics becoming ever more grotesque and harmful, can only be countered by putting the defense of the nation back into conservatism.

This is because, in recent decades, conservatism has lost the plot. Failing to acknowledge the cultural essentials that need to be conserved, many who call themselves conservatives have in fact adopted key shibboleths of the left.

So-called progressives use every means available to silence dissent from their ideological dogma. So, the fact that almost a thousand people—many of them eager twenty-somethings wide-eyed to discover that so many others thought like themselves—were able to listen to NatCon speakers utter such heresies as the need to stop mass immigration, promote the traditional family and uphold religious traditions sent the left into meltdown.

It also produced some rattled reactions from nominal conservatives who are profoundly unsettled by the implications of Hazony’s thinking.

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