The Left’s war on men is backfiring disastrously

Nov 21, 2024 by

by Joel Kotkin, Telegraph:

Young males are moving to the Right. But as birth rates collapse, this is a bigger problem than politics.

[…] The election confirmed the sexual divide in US politics: macho boys are the GOP base while women, particularly single women, constitute the core progressive constituency. The existence of a gender gap is nothing new, certainly, but according to recent Gallup surveys it is now five times bigger than in 2000. Survey data has found that, from 1999 to 2013, about three in 10 women aged 18 to 29 consistently identified as liberal. That figure rose to 40 per cent in 2023.

The sexualisation of politics is a global phenomena. In the UK, for example, young women identify as liberal at a 25 per cent higher rate than men. In Germany, they tilt to the Left at a 30 per cent higher rate. Similarly in Canada, according to a 2020 poll, women favoured the Liberals by two to one while men slightly tilted to the Conservatives.

At the same time, like their Trumpista American counterparts, Europeans under 30 – particularly men – are shifting to the Right, notably in Spain, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Poland. In South Korea, the Right-wing shift among young males was sufficient to put an “anti-feminist” into the presidency.

The chasm between young men and women goes well beyond politics. Take Korea, where the gap is particularly intense. Once known for their familial culture, notes the Atlantic, more than a third of Korean men and a quarter of Korean women who are now in their mid-to-late 30s will never marry. More will never have children.

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