The Morphing of Homosexuality in the Church

Nov 18, 2021 by

By David W Virtue, DD, Virtueonline:

There was a time when homosexuality was considered “the love that dare not speak its name.” Then, over time, it was paraded as a behavior that demanded acknowledgement.

Then it became an acceptable behavior, and anyone opposing the behavior was considered homophobic and should be called out and shunned.

Then homosexuals demanded that they should not just be heard and accepted, but ordained and consecrated to all levels of the Church.

Then came the coup d’etat. If you didn’t applaud and bow down before a small, shrill, strident group of homosexuals and believe that homosexual marriage was blessed by God then you should leave. Be gone from the Church, you are clearly homophobic, there is no place for you in the Church. Oh, and leave the keys and check book under the bright red doors; the church building does not belong to you, even though you built and paid for it.

And thus, it came to pass. As a result, the Episcopal Church saw the birth of the ACNA; the United Methodist Church is about to split, with other mainline churches losing members resulting in the formation of new Lutheran and Presbyterian church bodies.

But now there is a new twist.

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