The rainbow flag flutters no more over the US embassy in Kabul

Aug 20, 2021 by

by Michael Cook, MercatorNet:

This is a week full of strange ironies. The story dominating everything was the wreck of American dreams in Afghanistan. On Sunday the Taliban entered Kabul and occupied the Presidential Palace.

Twenty years of US investment in the country’s military, infrastructure, education, and social services were wiped out in a single week as the Taliban occupied the cities and the government’s soldiers melted away.

Everything America stands for – democracy, human rights, open markets, religious freedom, respect for women – tumbled into the dust. It was like the toppling of the colossal statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad in 2003, but in reverse.

[…]  The United States failed to give Afghanistan peace, security or democracy, but there was no doubting its missionary zeal to spread the LGBTQI+ gospel. In June, “Pride Month”, the “progress flag” flew over its embassy in Kabul.

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