The Reactionary Feminist Fight against Cyborg Theocracy: In Conversation with Mary Harrington

Mar 27, 2023 by

By Sebastian Morello, European Conservative.

Sebastian Morello joined UnHerd writer Mary Harrington for tea at her Shires home to discuss reactionary feminism, conservatism, cyborg theocracy, the future of the West, and her new book Feminism Against Progress.

Sebastian Morello: Under communism in the Eastern Bloc, individuals got used to having two personalities. At home—as long as one of your children wasn’t an informant—you could be yourself, and even mock the regime, but outside the home you had to be a good comrade. Under our regime, however, even though there appears to be widespread awareness that things are heading in the wrong direction (and have been for some time), one still has the experience of dining with friends or family and hearing the convictions of the mainstream media—the mouth of our regime—being repeated as dogmas.

I will give you an example. Recently, I went to the garden centre where I pick up my dog’s food. They were promoting a new dog food made of insects. I said that I wouldn’t feed my dog insects, to which the assistant replied, “Well, we’ll all be eating insects when meat is no longer available.” She said this as if it were an inevitability. The fact that one can go into a garden centre in rural Bedfordshire and be faced with Klaus Schwab’s latest thoughts indicates to me that there is far deeper trust in the globalist regime than we might have expected by this point.

Read here.

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