The Supreme Court Ruled Against Fascism, Not Gay People

Jun 9, 2018 by

by Peter Heck, Christian Post:

The recent 7-2 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of a Christian baker whose life had been ruined by the state of Colorado immediately set off a firestorm of passionate responses. While pro-family and religious groups hailed a victory for conscience rights, progressives bemoaned the atrocity of prejudice being legally codified. Even self-loathing Christians expressed reservations over what they perceived as an empty legal win that will lead to more discord.

The reactions revealed not just how divided the country has become on the culture front, but also how much the media is to blame for that division. When it comes to LGBT issues, media have become hopelessly dishonest and unreliable. Having foolishly adopted the LGBT agenda as this generation’s civil rights movement, newsrooms are staffed – at least when it comes to this topic – with advocates, not journalists who willingly dismiss the movement’s overreaches, ignore its abuses, and offer no legitimate skepticism to its demands.

So even when obvious, bipartisan rulings like this one come down, Americans cannot rely on its journalists to dispassionately explain and clarify the issue, but instead must brace for an inflammatory and exaggerated account of gay persecution.

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