The Ugly Racism Of The Associated Press Capitalizing ‘Black’

Jul 22, 2020 by

by David Marcus, The Federalist:

Before racism can be fought, a goal seemingly shared by everyone, we have to share a definition of the word. As I have outlined before, there currently two competing definitions in our society. The traditional one is held by most conservatives and it roughly says racism is making irrational judgments about people based on their skin color. The newer progressive version focuses on systems and redistribution of wealth and power. A new decision by the Associated Press shows why this new definition veers inevitably to pure racism.

The decision in question is to capitalize “black” when it refers to a person, or black culture. Curiously, or perhaps not given the nature of Critical Race Theory, the term white in the same context will remain lower case. Before going any further, the allegation I am making is not one of reverse racism for not capitalizing white; it is one of racism against black people for refusing to treat them as individuals.

To that end lets take a look at why the AP thought black but not white required this grammatical amendment. It says, “Most notably, people who are Black have strong historical and cultural commonalities, even if they are from different parts of the world…” This is absolutely bizarre. It suggests that people with black skin in Nigeria, The Caribbean, and the United States somehow have more in common culturally than people from Ireland, Poland and the United States. Of course, this assertion is not backed up with any real evidence because there is none.

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