‘The West has forgotten where it came from’
by Frank Furedi, spiked:
Frank Furedi on why our elites are so hostile towards history.
Statues are toppled. Museums are emptied of their artefacts. National heroes are smeared as racists and criminals. From universities to primary schools, from museums to local councils, the institutions trusted with preserving and passing on historical memory are instead waging a war on it. Today’s elites have turned decisively against the gains of Western civilisation and seek to paint its legacy as toxic.
In his new book, The War Against the Past: Why the West Must Fight For Its History, Frank Furedi explores the key drivers of this anti-civilisational turn and why it is so dangerous. He returned last week to The Brendan O’Neill Show to discuss this and more. What follows is an edited extract from Frank and Brendan’s conversation. You can listen to the full thing here.