The Woke Gospel According to Theos

Nov 6, 2019 by

by Will Jones, Rebel Priest:

Christian Today recently carried an interview with Ben Ryan, Head of Research at Christian think tank Theos. Ryan is author of How the West Was Lost: Decline of a Myth & the Search for New Stories.

It was an enlightening interview insofar as it set out what we can presumably take to be Theos’s views on some of the big questions of the day. It was also disappointing as it made clear the scale of Theos’s lack of ambition and how far the ecumenical think tank has strayed from a biblical vision.

Ryan starts off strongly by setting out the debilitating lack of direction and purpose that characterises Western society in the early years of the third millennium: ‘There’s an irony in the fact that having won the Cold War and the 20th century, people since the 90s have been asking: so if we won, is this it?’ After the failures of fascism and communism, he says, ‘people were not quite sure what it was they had won.’

He offers the European Union as an example of a grand project that began with a ‘phenomenal sense of its own moral mission’ but which over time became an ‘economic-technocratic thing’ about which people asked ‘what is it actually for?’

Read here

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