Transgenderism, the Bible, and Christianity

Aug 13, 2019 by

by Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch:

[…] In his new book on transgenderism J. Alan Branch reminds us, “Our sexual identity as male or female is integral to being made in God’s image.” And Andrew Walker speaks about God’s majestic blueprint in creation, and he reminds us that mankind is the high point in creation, since we are made in God’s image. And that means all of us, including our bodies:

“Every aspect of who we are carries and reflects that dignity – our minds, our hearts, and our bodies. All are created, and all therefore carry value and are designed to have dignity. This means matter matters. Our bodies matter. Your body is not arbitrary; it is intentional. While you are more than your body, you are not less.”

He continues,

To misunderstand, blur, or reject the Creator’s categories for humanity doesn’t just put us in rebellion against the Creator and creation — it puts us at odds with how each of us was made. Since God made a ‘very good’ world, with no flaws, and since that world included humans created as men and humans created as women, to strive to become different than or even the opposite of how God made us can never result in happiness, flourishing, and joy, whatever it promises.

Denny Burk puts it this way:

The creation norm described in Genesis involves biological complementarity for the purposes of procreation. Hence, God commands the couple, ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ (Gen. 1:28). There is no spectrum here. There is a functioning biological dichotomy between male and female that enables procreation. In other words, what God calls ‘good’ is binary sexual complementarity. This original situation does not present us with a spectrum. Rather, it presents us with sexual dimorphism.

Nancy Pearcey also highlights these truths:

A biblical worldview leads to a positive view of the body. It says that the biological correspondence between male and female is part of the original creation. Sexual differentiation is part of what God pronounced “very good”—morally good—which means it provides a reference point for morality. There is a purpose in the physical structures of our bodies that we are called to respect. A teleological morality creates harmony between biological identity and gender identity. The body/person is an integrated psychosexual unity. Matter does matter.

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