UK: 29% heard Bible passages they had never heard before at the Queen’s funeral

May 6, 2023 by

From Evangelical Focus.

A survey of the UK Bible Society points out that “there is little appetite for a secular or multi-faith coronation” among the British population.

After Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, the UK Bible Society commissioned YouGov to interview 3,000 adults across England and Wales, for the survey Mourning Elizabeth: Christianity and the Bible in the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

“Taking place in the context of a country that is no longer majority Christian, the prominence of these overtly religious events presented fascinating questions for the role of religion in modern Britain”, said the authors of the polling.

Christianity in state royal events
The Bible Society “found widespread support for retaining this Christian focus and little interest in the events becoming wholly secular, even among those from other religions and non-religious backgrounds”.

Survey data show that 55% of respondents said they were happy that the Queen Elizabeth’s funeral events were “wholly Christian”. 12% found that “prominence alienating”, and 9% would prefer it to be “wholly secular”.

Among those who engaged in the funeral events, 79% agreed the presence of Christianity was appropriate “given the faith of the Queen as an individual”, while 72% said it was appropriate “for a British royal event”.

When asked if state royal events should remain wholly Christian in the future, 31% agreed, 21% disagreed and 48% didn’t have an opinion on the issue.

Read here.


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