UnChristian Equalities

Nov 2, 2018 by

by Regis Nicoll, Crisis Magazine:

Over the last few decades, “equality” arguments have successfully secured everything from the legalization of abortion, homosexual sodomy, and same-sex “marriage” to the dismantling of the biological basis of gender.

Equality (of opportunity) is the cornerstone of the American justice system. The great social movements of our nation—abolition, emancipation, women’s suffrage, and civil rights—all owe to the moral force of the principle that “all men are created equal” in recognition that each is a creation of intrinsic worth.

But the equality of our nation’s founding has devolved into the equality of outcomes that a person feels necessary in his pursuit of happiness. The result has been the divorce of “civil rights” from social responsibility, physiological reality, moral truth, and natural law.

Consider what is happening in the educational system.

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